Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication
培养学生承担领导和服务的责任 活跃的公众讨论对太阳城网址国家民主的健康至关重要, 马林菲茨沃特传播中心二十年来一直提供学生 与无与伦比的经验,方案和课程的机会.
菲茨沃特中心或乌鸦体育网络的实习学分允许学生 to apply what they learn in the classroom in real-world settings.
自2008年以来,PoliticsFitzU一直与地区媒体合作,最近与The 波士顿先驱报,NBC-10波士顿/NECN/Telemundo和花岗岩国家新闻合作 覆盖通往白宫的道路,这条路从花岗岩州开始,这里是白宫的所在地 First-in-the-Nation Primary. Students from across campus can enroll in a practicum credit to work with PoliticsFitzU to cover the Iowa Caucuses, the N.H. Primary, the 全国政治大会、11月的选举和总统就职典礼 as credential media.
其他可以帮助学生简历脱颖而出的实习机会也可以找到 菲茨沃特中心屡获殊荣的制作团队,他们保持着工作室的灯光 on and the mics hot year-round. In the Patterson Television Suite, students work in 主控制与菲茨沃特中心的工作人员,因为他们记录和编辑新罕布什尔州 公共广播公司的每周公共事务节目《太阳城网址所处的国家》(The State We’re In)大受欢迎 its 200th episode in 2024. Students can also join the production crew for regular 播客,包括:“100美元+里程”,公民计数和“法律影响”, with Laura Knoy of the Franklin Pierce Law Center at UNH.
寻找新闻、活动策划、市场营销和公共关系方面的经验? 加入菲茨沃特中心实习,为校园提供充满活力的编程 and regional communities, including national Fitzwater Forums; the Tuesday Briefings public affairs series; the Fry Lecture Series; Constitution Day observances; The Fitzwater Center Honors and The Medallion Lecture; and IndieLens Pop-Up, a national civic engagement initiative sponsored by PBS and ITV. Students can also be part of the regular news show on FPTV; host talk radio or music shows on WFPC-LP 105.3 FM, the area’s arts and culture station; or write for The Pierce Arrow, the campus print newspaper.
随着获得natas奖的乌鸦体育网络转移到FloSports,一个全球性的 流媒体平台上,实习同学可以在新闻箱里找打电话玩 通过比赛或提供评论,在场边采访球员和教练, 甚至在演播室里为赛前和中场表演录制片段. 一支RSN球队甚至加入了夏洛特的男子足球队,因为他们赢得了第二场比赛 全国冠军,用全国西班牙语直播创造了NCAA历史.
12000平方英尺的综合通信设施包括帕特森 Television Suite, equipped with advanced remote technologies; a smaller high-definition studio available for student use; two high-definition mobile field production units; an audio production studio and editing suite; a high definition video production instructional 实验室,教室和编辑套件,所有的Adobe创意套件,在一个 Macintosh platform; digital media technology for use in student’s coursework; and an interactive journalism lab.
有关马林菲茨沃特太阳城网址的更多信息,请联系 Dr. Kristen Nevious, director, at (603) 899-1039 or email
About Franklin Pierce University
新太阳城网址是新罕布什尔州一所经过认证的私立大学 通过文科与专业的结合,成就优秀的学生 programs. The University includes a 1200-acre residential campus in Rindge, N.H., as well as centers in Manchester, Lebanon. Goodyear, AZ and Round Rock, TX. Students 在商学院、健康与自然科学学院和学院任教 文科和社会科学的学生通过在课堂上获得博士学位 and online programs. Franklin Pierce is a NCAA Division II institution, with 24 varsity athletic teams for men and women.
凭借太阳城网址在博雅教育方面的坚实基础,太阳城网址提供高度个性化的课程, 经济上可负担的学术项目,培养基本的专业技能, 促进紧密的社区联系,并帮助学生实现他们的潜力 become engaged and qualified leaders.
Stephen: Broadcast Journalism
Mass Communication, Kyle Provost '05
Alumni Filmmakers
Dan: Social & Media Manager
CONTACT Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication
Dr. Kristen Nevious
Director of the Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication
(603) 899-1039
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.